分類: Dana Powell


In this story, the efforts by activists, self-identified as “water protectors,” focused on building an infrastructural world through timber, tipis, knowledge/operations centers, and prayers. This infrastructural strategy was central to their defiance of an energy transport “Dakota Access” oil pipeline as well as central to their defense of homeland territories. Their work opens up new conceptual horizons for “seeing” the relational work of energy infrastructures in Indigenous projects for self-determination and may inflect a much-needed Indigenous environmental justice (IEJ) perspective to anthropological and STS discussions on the “politics and poetics” of infrastructure.


這篇文章將透過一段文字和數張照片,訴說一個位於北美達科塔蘇族領域(Lakota Sioux territory)的原民環境正義運動,提供台灣南島原住民的能源基礎設施一個比較的視野。在這個故事中,自稱為「水的保衛者」的行動者使用木材、梯皮帳篷(tipi)、知識/運作中心、和祈禱,打造出一座佈滿基礎設施的世界。這個側重基礎設施的核心策略,不只展現了他們對「達科塔輸油管」(Dakota Access oil pipeline)的抗爭,也呈現出蘇族人對於家園領土的保衛。他們的行動打開了新的概念視野,讓人們「看見」在原民自決下,支撐能源基礎設施的關係性工程(relational work),並且刺激人類學及STS在討論基礎設施的政治與詩意時,折射當前亟需的原民環境正義視野。